viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008


Hello parents and students,

Following you will find the homework from the text book:

Sixth A: Page 23. Due date: Wednesday November fifth.
Sixth B: Pages 23 and 24. Due date: Thursday November sixth.

The Field Trip to Maloka:

Since Maloka did not have the exhibition about "Astronomic Distances", then the students are to do only the first column of their guides (the section with the title "Probability and random experiments" about the exhibition "azar y sondeos")

Have a good weekend!

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008


Santiago de Cali, Octubre 30 de 2008

Grado 6°

Reciban un cordial saludo

El Colegio la Arboleda está empeñado en educar a sus estudiantes en el gozo, regocijo y complacencia que produce el conocimiento a través de la lectura, en la emoción del asombro que ocasiona toda pregunta de un nuevo aprendizaje. De ahí que también en el Área de Sociales, se halla programado para éste año lectivo, la lectura de dos libros que estimulan ese proceso de pensamiento.

El primer libro se llama COMO EL HOMBRE LLEGO A SER GIGANTE DE ILIN SEGAL, EDITORIAL PANAMERICANA. Si ustedes desean, podrá ser adquirido por medio de la Asociación de Padres de Familia en el Colegio, a un precio más económico que en el mercado.
El valor es ­­­­­­$21.000



Students are to solve the divisions from page 22 of the workbook. They do not need to estimate the quotients but they do need to check their answers.

Remember that all the work must be done in the notebook and in pencil.

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008


Students of Sixth A must solve all the problems on page 24 from the workbook. Write the complete questions in the notebooks and solve them in pencil.


Dear Parents:

As you may know on Friday the 31st of October we will be going on a field trip to MALOKA VIAJERO where students will have the opportunity to review physics, chemistry, biology and math concepts in a didactical way. However your kids must be aware that this is a school event and not a recreational event, they will be given a workshop which they will have to solve with what they learn during the different exibitions and rooms they visit and will have to handed it to the teachers on Tuesday, November 4 th.

Best regards,

Mauricio Carrasquilla and Raul Hernandez
Sixth grade home room teachers.

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008

Accumulative Mathematics Exam

Dear Parents:

The Accumulative Mathematics Exam for the first period is scheduled for this coming Monday October 20th. Students should prepare themselves by solving the quizzes and the test they keep in their Math Folder. The exam has two sections: In the first one they will find multiple choice questions in which they will have to select the correct answer among four or five options. In the second section, they will find open questions in which they need to show all the work and procedures to reach their answers. Questions in the second section have more value since they require more work to be solved. Students must consider solving this section first to secure those points. Besides the practice they have in the quizzes taken this period, students should solve the word problems found at the bottom of each work sheet in their math work books. Since most of the exam is based in this kind of problems, then they need to practice how to read short paragraphs in English to discover the information needed to find the answers.

Please be sure the students rest enough the night before the exam and bring all their materials (pencil, eraser, sharpener, etc) to school. They are allowed to use their own dictionaries during the math exam but they cannot share them with their classmates.

Thank you.

Raúl Hernández
Certified Mathematics Teacher
University of Houston-Victoria, Texas


Dear Parents:

Students must develop a small project every period for the Math class. This period, they are going to apply some of the skills they have learned about how to work with decimal and whole numbers to solve a hypothetical situation based on real conditions. They have received all the instructions they need to develop this project at home. They also have received the rubric I am planning to use to grade their work. Please provide them with all the support they will need since they are required to use a metric tape to take some measures, a digital camera and a computer with Microsoft Power Point installed.

The must turn in a presentation in their USB memory. They can get together to work but the final product must be turned in individually.

It is important to keep in mind that the due date for this project is October 24th.

Any further information will be gladly provided.

Thank you.

Raúl Hernández
Certified Mathematics Teacher
University of Houston-Victoria, Texas