miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009



Since you did not go to the Park located in the high school basketball court, the assignment about this activity has been cancelled.

This coming week we will have the first quiz of third period. This quiz is intended to evaluate your skills in finding complete answers for word problems by solving simple equations. The schedule for this quiz is as follows:

Sixth A and Sixth B: Friday January sixth

Thank you,

Raúl F. Hernández
Certified Mathematics Teacher
University of Houston-Victoria (Texas)

lunes, 19 de enero de 2009


Hello parents and students,

The accumulative exam of Mathematics will take place this coming Monday January 26th. Keep in mind that this exam represents 30 % of your final grade for this period. The answers for the 20 problems you were supposed to solve during the Christmas break will be given in class this week. You must compare them with your own answers and correct those that you have wrong. The problems in the exam are going to be of the same kind of those 20 problems in the practice. This means that if you solve the practice completely you will be prepared for the exam. We will spend this week solving any doubts about these problems in class. It is your responsibility to use your time properly.

Thank you,

Raúl F. Hernández
Certified Mathematics Teacher
University of Houston – Victoria, Texas