viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008


Hello parents and students,

Following you will find the homework from the text book:

Sixth A: Page 23. Due date: Wednesday November fifth.
Sixth B: Pages 23 and 24. Due date: Thursday November sixth.

The Field Trip to Maloka:

Since Maloka did not have the exhibition about "Astronomic Distances", then the students are to do only the first column of their guides (the section with the title "Probability and random experiments" about the exhibition "azar y sondeos")

Have a good weekend!

4 comentarios:

davidcho dijo...

teacher why for 6b has 2 pages and for 6a just only 1

Lucas dijo...

Siemper vos manolo, Siemper vos tenes q ser el primero q pone problema por todo!

Unknown dijo...

eee lucas no sea grocero con manolo bueno manolo a ellos no se la dejaron por que depronto ya la hicieron

davidcho dijo...

jajajajaja usted es mi defensor ea parce nesesito tu msn demelo