lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

English Rubric

Hello Parents and Students;
As you know this year the English department is going through some changes to improve our program and have better language learners. This will be the rubric that we will be using for now until we design and create the new one.  
Thank you
Leonardo Paz
English Teacher


SUPERIOR (91% a 100%)
ALTO (80% a 90%
BÁSICO 70% a 79%)
BAJO (69% a 0%)

Text is focused, well organized and complete. It includes meaningful choices of words, phrases and sentences. Demonstrates a consistent use of spelling, capitalizations, punctuating, and grammar and sentence structure. The text includes some errors but it does not distract the overall fluency.
Text is focused and complete but is not well organized. It includes appropriate choices of words, phrases and sentences. Demonstrates a generally good command of spelling, capitalizations, punctuating, and grammar and sentence structure. The text includes minor errors but it creates few disruptions in fluency.
Text shows some sense of focus, organization and completeness. It includes irrelevant information, repetition and gaps in ideas. Demonstrates limited command of spelling, capitalizations, punctuating, and grammar and sentence structure. These errors may not cause writing to be unclear but weaken the overall fluency.
Text is not focused, has little or no sense of completeness or organization. It includes random ideas, repeated ideas, and irrelevant information and omits relevant information. Severe and frequent errors in spelling, capitalizations, punctuating, and grammar and sentence structure.
These errors weaken the text by causing an overall lack of fluency.
Reading and Critical Thinking

Identifies, makes questions and uses text to understand. Understands content and general vocabulary.  Skillfully expresses understanding of relationships among facts, ideas, and events.
Skillfully makes and supports logical predictions and inferences based on text.
Identifies, makes questions and uses text to have a clear understanding. Demonstrates understanding content and general vocabulary. Is able to express understanding of relationships among facts, ideas, and events. Consistently makes and supports logical predictions and inferences based on text.
On occasion identifies, makes questions and uses text to have a clear understanding. Demonstrates some understanding content and general vocabulary. Express some understanding of relationships among facts, ideas, and events. Occasionally  makes and supports logical predictions and inferences based on text
Rarely identifies, makes questions and uses text to have a clear understanding. Demonstrates little understanding content and general vocabulary. Express little or none understanding of relationships among facts, ideas, and events. Does not  make and support logical predictions and inferences based on text

Student responds to questions with appropriate answers, acknowledges all statements, and used them into the discussion.
Student responds to most questions, acknowledged most statements, and used many of these into the conversation.
Student fails to answer some questions appropriately OR fails to acknowledge some statements and use these into the conversation.
Student doesn’t understand or ignores most questions and statements. Student may have been using notes.

Pronunciation and fluency is clear and expressions are used to enhance communication.

No serious problems arose, but better pronunciation, fluency and non-verbal communication could make communication more efficient.
Some communication problems arise due to unclear pronunciation, fluency and lack of expression. Student may have been able to hear.
Pronunciation, fluency and expression confused communication. Student may have been very difficult to hear.

Homework is 100% complete. Work is thorough, clear, and legible. Work shows complete understanding of the questions, ideas, and processes.

Homework is 70% complete.  Shows an adequate amount of work and it is legible. Work
shows some understanding
of the questions, ideas, and
Homework is 30% complete. Shows some work, but it is inadequate. Work shows some
understanding of the assignment
No homework was turned in. Shows no work.

Student works cooperatively, follows instructions and procedures without being reminded or asked. Consistently follows school rules and uses appropriate behaviors and social skills without being asked
Student complies with behavior expectations and maintains appropriate use of materials 91%-100% of the time.
Student works cooperatively, follows instructions and procedures when reminded or asked. Follows school rules and uses appropriate behaviors and social skills when asked. Student complies with behavior expectations and maintains appropriate use of materials 80%-90% of the time.
Student works cooperatively, follows instructions and procedures only when required to do so. Follows school rules and uses appropriate behaviors and social skills only when required to do so. Complies with
behavior expectations and
maintains appropriate use of materials 65%-79% of the time.
Student refuses to work cooperatively, follow instructions and procedures.     
Refuses to follow school rules and use appropriate behaviors and social skills. Student doe not comply with behavior expectations and maintains appropriate use of materials 64% or less of the time. 


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